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Board of Health Minutes 04/15/09
C h i l m a r k   B o a r d   o f   H e a l t h

M i n u t e s
Wednesday, April 15th 2009
Chilmark Town Hall
5:00 pm

Present:  Katie Carroll (Chair), Mike Renahan, Jan Buhrman

Also Present:   Chris Alley (Schofield, Barbini & Hoehn), Reid Silva (Vineyard Land Surveying), Brooks Billingham (Billingham & Associates, Inc.),  Doug Cooper (Cooper Environmental Services, LLC), Marina Lent (BOH Secretary)

Minutes of April 1st, 2009 approved as amended.

Dansen (24-165)  The Board took note of the well completion report received.

Weichert (4-13)  The Board took note of the report of the site review committee of 4/8/2009.

Frankel (29-7)   the Board took note of a septic inspection of 4/8/2009 performed by Doug Cooper.

Greenberg – Grin Acres LLC (21-13)  The Board took note of a site review committee report of 4/8/09.

Benton Trust (30-73)  Chris Alley presented a plan to upgrade a 6-bedroom system, replacing a cesspool with a new Title 5 septic system.  Chris stated that conservative estimates had been used in the planning, as some class 3 soils had been found in the test holes.  Should the excavation reveal no class 3 soils, a reduction in field size would be proposed.  He stated that he had also included a pump chamber in the proposed plan, which will not be needed if the plumber is able to re-route the plumbing to exit the other side of the building. Mike Renehan noted that such changes will have to be submitted to the Board prior to implementation.

Middle Line Road Well Permits (13-43)   The following Well Permits were approved: Map 13 Lot 43.1;  Map 13 Lot 43.2 Rental Unit 8;  Map 13 Lot 43.2 Rental Unit 5.  The Board noted that it is still not in possession of a map showing the location of the Firewell on Map 13 Lot 43.1.  Marina Lent will follow up with Vineyard Land Surveying to obtain the map.

Slavin (7-21)  After reviewing the disposal system construction permit application submitted by Reid Silva for a septic system to serve a proposed 5-bedroom house on the Homesite Housing Lot on that property, the Board approved the proposal as submitted.

Walsh (25-11)  Board member Katie Carroll did not participate in discussion on this item.  Reid Silva (Vineyard Land Surveying) reported to the Board that Thomas Walsh will attempt to drill a well on his property.  The Board awaits a well permit application.  

Drummond (26-86.2)  The Board approved a plan submitted by Billingham and Associates to upgrade a 6-bedroom septic system with a 1,500 gallon septic tank, D-box and 64-unit infiltrator leaching bed.

Street (14-19.1) The Board reviewed a well permit application submitted by Island Water Source in light of information received on the subdivision of the lot.  The Board noted that the application cites the wrong lot for the proposed well.  The Board asked Marina Lent to request an updated application from Island Water Source and to inquire as to the reason for abandoning the existing well.

BOH fees: Marina Lent brought to the Board’s attention the fee for the Septage Hauler Permit posted in Town Hall cites a different, lower fee than that published in the MV Times on March 24, 2005.  Marina Lent will submit an updated fee schedule to the Town Clerk for posting.

Food Establishment Inspections done: Homeport Restaurant.  Mike Renahan stated that future pre-operation food establishment inspections should be carried out just prior to opening, when food is on the shelves, and refrigeration is turned on.

Chilmark Burial Agent:  Marina Lent and Jan Buhrman reported on Massachusetts laws relating to burial of human remains.  It appears that the funeral home of Chapman, Cole and Gleason is currently functioning as the burial agent of the Board of Health, and has been for as long as anyone can remember.  

The Board decided to appoint Marina Lent as burial agent, and Jessica Holtham (Town Clerk) as alternate burial agent.  Board of Health member Jan Buhrman agreed to be available to issue permits as well, if the agent and alternate were unavailable.

Updating BOH Regulations:  The Board reviewed a draft regulation submitted by Marina Lent on the transportation, cremation, burial, entombment or exhumation of human remains.

Draft Camping Regulations were also reviewed.  The Board suggested addition of a paragraph specifying that camping sites are to be temporary, and are to be removed at the end of the permitted camper’s stay.

MVRD Assessment FY’10  The Board reviewed Chilmark’s assessment from the Martha’s Vineyard Refuse District of $88,421.09.

Vineyard Nursing Association visits:  The Board made suggestions for Chilmark citizens who might benefit from home visits from VNA community nurse Nicole Barlett.  Marina Lent will contact VNA to convey the Board’s suggestions.

Invoices:  The Board approved the following invoices for payment:  

·       MVRD $1,436.40
·       Araujo Bros. Porta-Pottie $450.00
·       VNA $701.25

Marina will enquire with Accountant Tom Wilson as to why porta-potty invoices are showing payment overdue.

_______________________         _______________________                  _______________________
Katherine L. Carroll, Chair               Michael A. Renahan                        Janet L. Buhrman
Chilmark Board of Health                Chilmark Board of Health               Chilmark Board of Health

These minutes have been transcribed from a recording.  The recording is on file and available for perusal.